There are just 19 of our cashmere squares left – the beautiful collaboration we started a few weeks ago with Begg & Co. The colours have sold pretty evenly, with 9 navy and 10 ‘natural’ (pictured above) remaining.

The squares are likely to go into Begg’s full collection, but won’t be available through retailers until next Autumn/Winter, so this is your last chance to get them until the end of 2016. 

More details on the squares in the original post – as well as a piece on how to wear them. They can be bought on Begg’s website here.

These pictures are from a video Begg and I have put together on how to wear a scarf.

The natural-coloured square is worn with a brown shetland sweater (from the Anderson & Sheppard haberdashery), light-grey flannel trousers (bespoke from Hardy Amies) and dark-brown alligator shoes (Gaziano & Girling). 

I love pale-grey flannels. They might be the most versatile colour of trouser around, going with pretty every colour imaginable, including the kind of greyed or mid-tone colours that sometimes struggle with a classic mid-grey flannel. 

In that way they are a modern alternative to cream – which was one of the most popular colours of casual trouser in the 1930s and 1940s. Both derive their versatility from their paleness and lack of saturation, but pale grey feels rather more modern. 


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Hi Simon,
Two quick remarks and a question: 1. The excerpt from the interview with Bruce Boyer posted on Instagram could have also been posted here. It’s really profond! 2. As to pale-grey flannels, I guess there’s also something more urban in them than in the cream ones. Now to my question: where does this kind of oxfords stand in the formality scale of shoes?


Hi Simon
Brilliant blog.

Seasons greetings to you and yours. Around this time of year, we get gifted things that may leave us scratching our heads. I received a very subtle dark gray cotton pin stripes pair of trousers as a gift. The fit pretty well too. How would you wear something like this. I also live in a tropical clime so I suppose pairing with a sweater is not much of an option.
best regards


Hi Zeke,

I have a similar pair of pants I impulse bought last year. They are limited in how I can wear them.

I usually wear them with a navy V neck sweater and white shirt with tie.

In a warmer climate could you try a lightweight, summer knit?

I haven’t worn mine in summer yet but think I might pair them with a white shirt and a waistcoat. Or maybe with an untucked henley shirt or untucked long sleeved polo shirt (in navy, cram or white)



Maybe it’s the lighting I the photos but do the trousers have some subtle brown woven in?


Hi Simon,

What do you think of hemp as a material for trousers? Have you written anything about this material before?



Simon, got to say that those squares (yes, plural; couldn’t resist) have proven to be one of the best additions to my wardrobe. I was always kind of bothered by the crew neck without shirt (which my wife doesn’t like over the weekend) but with tailoring combination; no matter how good the collar of the jacket is, it just always seemed to look less than great around the neck. What I am wondering now though, given I much like variety: Do you happen to know if any other makers have something in similar format? I’ve seen Anderson & Sheppard do have some, but they either seem to come in colors I find a bit affected or with rather wild prints … and all the other usual suspects I have checked (Drake’s, plus some shirtmakers) don’t seem to offer much either… So if you knew something, that would be great; otherwise: still great to have those two …


I have to agree with your view on pale grey Simon.

I recently bought a pair of pale grey trousers and they look much better than my mid-gray. And I find they pair with a wider selection of jackets and knitwear.


Have you ever seen Nuts in May?
I can’t help but draw comparisons from this picture


That’s hilarious. Now buried in a historic comments section, but worthy of praise for posterity, I thought.


What do you think of the jumper body length? It is fine as it is, but I think a little longer would look better.


Would you wear a similar shade of trouser in cavalry twill?