Feedback on the A Suitable Wardrobe store

August 3rd 2011

I wrote almost a year ago how impressed I was with Will at A Suitable Wardrobe setting up a store, to sell his taste and knowledge of European manufacturers to the blog’s readership. Since then the store has grown and I have purchased many thin...

Feedback on the A Suitable Wardrobe store

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Kayhan wrote: "I have been trying to get some Simonnot-Godard pocket squares, could you help where I could find them beside's Will's store." I found them in a small webshop in Denmark too:

August 3rd 2011

Alfred Sargent Handgrade

November 24th 2010

Following a conversation earlier in the year with Chay Cooper, I commissioned the Alfred Sargent Handgrade shoes above. One of the reasons Handgrade has developed such a word-of-mouth following is the personalisation it offers, both as regards the de...

Alfred Sargent Handgrade

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No, sorry HC...

ShoesNovember 24th 2010

A Suitable Wardrobe store

November 12th 2010

I admire people that put their money where their mouth is. Becoming an entrepreneur, setting up on one’s own, trying to make money selling your taste to the world. It’s ballsy. Writing a blog doesn’t risk anything, other than exposi...

A Suitable Wardrobe store

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I have heard good stories about the Saphir polish. Did anyone by any chance already found a good online supplier for Saphir Medaille d'or products, most of the UK shops seems to quite expensive.....

November 12th 2010