The latest installment of the English Gentleman show, which took place last night in the Churchill War Rooms, was an absolute triumph.

The underground command centre, well-known to boys and history students in the UK, provided a highly atmospheric backdrop to the Savile Row tailoring. Each war room became a vignette of strategy and military planning, with the models gathered around maps and ranks of variously coloured phones.

Elsewhere, there were living quarters and kitchens – with two Chittleborough & Morgan models preparing sausages on the gas cooker. Although the historic nature of all the props meant that the frying pan was actually the only thing they were allowed to touch.

Also nice to see such celebrities as Michael Gambon, Tommy Hilfiger and Elton John supporting Savile Row.


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Dear Simon

How timely your post is on the English Gentleman Show as i am currently viewing the entire BBC series of All Creatures Great and Small (a requested christmas present) and the clothing is stunning. It is so good to see people working in their clothes (yes i know it is a television series) but, it gives a very good indication of the clothing style and fabrics used just before WWII.

The question i have been asking myself is are those fabrics still available today, albeit in a slightly lighter cloth – or does the defeat the objective? Your pictures here are indentical to the style in the drama series and are absolutely stunning. I would also like to add that the cardigans and sleeveless jumpers in the series, all in fairisle, are simply stunning but where can one buys such treasures?

Could you please provide some information on the 2nd, 3rd and 7th images since i would like to investigate these further as bespoke purchases.

I suppose it is not possible for us mere mortals to visit the show is it?

Great post – thank you


Hello Simon, wonderful set of images from LFW. A particular favourite is the tailored dressing gown (third from top?), I wondered if you knew the House that tailored it as it is superb. Thank you.


These suits are incredible, even though they are inspired by a time drawn 60-odd years ago I would love to wear absolutely any one of them.

It just shows that real men’s style does not change that much. Well done to all the tailors involved in that project.